Fall 2018
A vanished father. A pill-popping mother. Three sisters harboring shady little secrets. When the large Weston family unexpectedly reunites after Dad disappears, their Oklahoman family homestead explodes in a maelstrom of repressed truths and unsettling secrets. Mix in Violet, the drugged-up, scathingly acidic matriarch, and you've got a major play that unflinchingly—and uproariously—exposes the dark side of the Midwestern American family. "Packed with unforgettable characters and dozens of quotable lines, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY is a tensely satisfying comedy, interspersed with remarkable evocations on the cruelties and (occasional) kindnesses of family life." —NY Sun.
Director: Christopher Rollings
Beverly Weston - David Kelley
Violet Weston - Terrie Copeland
Barbara Fordham - Denise Hickson
Bill Fordham - Mike Shuller
Jean Fordham - Julia McKenna
Ivy Weston - Lynda Chornomaz
Karen Weston - Cynthia Okamoto
Mattie Fae Aiken - Mary O'Connor-Kelley
Charlie Aiken - Chris Hall
Little Charles Aiken - Greg Chornomaz
Johnna Monevata - Katterine Velasquez
Steve Heidebrecht - Bruce Perhach
Sheriff Deon Gilbeau - Howard Diamond