Fall 2016
This play by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee is based on a true story that has as its genesis in the events of the famous Tennessee Scopes Monkey trial. It is considered one of the most outstanding dramas of our time.
Plot: In the 1920s, Tennessee schoolteacher Bertram Cates is put on trial for violating the Butler Act, a state law that prohibits public school teachers from teaching evolution instead of creationism. Drawing intense national attention in the media with writer E. K. Hornbeck reporting, two of the nation's leading lawyers go head to head: Matthew Harrison Brady (William Jennings Bryan) for the prosecution, and Henry Drummond (Clarence Darrow) for the defense.
The RC Theatre production featured a cast of 30 actors and a complex, two-tiered unit set with multiple settings. The production received 5 Perry Award nominations from the New Jersey Association of Community Theatres (NJACT), with winners to be determined in September of 2017. The RCT production was directed by Joe Vinciguerra.